Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tips for staying fit while you’re travelling

When you travel, it’s easy to get out of healthy routines that you usually manage to follow at home. Don’t get me wrong, you should enjoy yourself on holiday, but there are a few things you can do to try and minimise the damage to your waistline or your general fitness.

Don’t make holidays an excuse to eat junk
When you’re in a foreign country it’s easy to walk into the nearest fast food franchise just because you know what you’ll find and how to order it. Been there, done that. But there are two reasons not to – first, because it’s not that healthy, and second, it’s much more exciting to check out the local cuisine.

Get some exercise while seeing the sights
If you’re a runner, packing your jogging shoes and get up early a few mornings of your trip. Head out into the dawn on a job and you’ll see the city waking up or the animals strolling through the countryside. You’ll keep fit and see a new side of your destination.

Alternatively, skip a bus or train during the day and walk to your next sightseeing destination instead. Not only will it be good for you, at a walking pace you’re also more likely to discover some special restaurant, an interesting souvenir shop or a beautiful church or park you would have missed seeing from the underground.

For swimmers, pack your bathing costume not only for the hotel pool but for any interesting spa or hot spring that might show up.

Explore the markets for fresh fruit and veg
Down in southern Europe you’re likely to get a big variety of fresh fruit that somehow tastes better when you’re buying it in the country of origin. Or check out the local favourite vegetables in season.

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